티스토리 뷰
(안구 건조증)
Xerophthalmia is a medical condition where someone's eyes get dry.
- Insomnia is a medical condition where someone cannot fall asleep. / 불면증이란 잠을 잘 수 없는 상태를 의미하는 의학적 용어입니다.
- Dementia refers to a medical condition that affects memory, behavior, and learning. / 치매는 기억, 행동, 학습에 영향을 미치는 의학적 상태를 말한다.
It's also known simply as "Dry Eye Syndrome".
It's quite a common condition among Koreans.
At first, symptoms may be mild, such as red, irritated, or itchy eyes.
- The new cream only irritated my skin. / 새로운 크림은 내 피부만 붉게 일어나게 했어.
- At first, I only had mild symptoms. / 초기에는 가벼운 증상만 있었습니다.
* mild(moderate) - severe(extreme)
Dry Eye Syndrome can be one of the side effects of getting LASIK surgery.
- One of the side effects of quitting smoking can be increased weight. / 금연의 부작용 중 하나가 체중 증가입니다.
- One of the side effects is the rise on blood sugar levels. / 부작용 중 하나로는 혈당치 상승이 있다.
Other causes include not getting enough Vitamin A, environmental conditions, and not blinking enough.
* blink는 두눈 깜빡 / wink는 한눈 깜빡
It's also true that People stare into the computer screen for hours and hours each day, and that can be a common cause as well.
- Stop staring at me.
* medical condition 증세
A: Why don't you just say that to him to his face? / 그냥 걔한테 직접 말하지 그래?
B: I don't want to get on his bad side. / 그 친구한테 찍히고 싶지 않아.
A: Oh, come on! Are you just going to leave it that way, then? / 왜 그래! 그럼 그냥 내버려 두겠다는 거야?
B: I don't know! It's not that simple. / 나도 몰라! 그렇게 간단한 문제가 아니라니까.
Xerophthalmia is a medical condition where someone's eyes get dry.
- Insomnia is a medical condition where someone cannot fall asleep. / 불면증이란 잠을 잘 수 없는 상태를 의미하는 의학적 용어입니다.
- Dementia refers to a medical condition that affects memory, behavior, and learning. / 치매는 기억, 행동, 학습에 영향을 미치는 의학적 상태를 말한다.
It's also known simply as "Dry Eye Syndrome".
It's quite a common condition among Koreans.
At first, symptoms may be mild, such as red, irritated, or itchy eyes.
- The new cream only irritated my skin. / 새로운 크림은 내 피부만 붉게 일어나게 했어.
- At first, I only had mild symptoms. / 초기에는 가벼운 증상만 있었습니다.
* mild(moderate) - severe(extreme)
Dry Eye Syndrome can be one of the side effects of getting LASIK surgery.
- One of the side effects of quitting smoking can be increased weight. / 금연의 부작용 중 하나가 체중 증가입니다.
- One of the side effects is the rise on blood sugar levels. / 부작용 중 하나로는 혈당치 상승이 있다.
Other causes include not getting enough Vitamin A, environmental conditions, and not blinking enough.
* blink는 두눈 깜빡 / wink는 한눈 깜빡
It's also true that People stare into the computer screen for hours and hours each day, and that can be a common cause as well.
- Stop staring at me.
* medical condition 증세
A: Why don't you just say that to him to his face? / 그냥 걔한테 직접 말하지 그래?
B: I don't want to get on his bad side. / 그 친구한테 찍히고 싶지 않아.
A: Oh, come on! Are you just going to leave it that way, then? / 왜 그래! 그럼 그냥 내버려 두겠다는 거야?
B: I don't know! It's not that simple. / 나도 몰라! 그렇게 간단한 문제가 아니라니까.