티스토리 뷰
Application Serial Number (APN)
- This field contains the identification number assigned by the US Patent and Trademark Office to applications which have received a filing date.
TIP: Including commas is optional. Number must be entered as a six digit string with leading zeros, if needed. Series code is not included in this field, so more than one document may be retrieved based on a single serial number.- Example: Searching 000001 will retrieve multiple documents, each having been assigned serial number 1 within different series codes. Series codes are not searchable in this database, but correspond to the following time spans:
Series Codes: 2 Earlier than Jan. 1, 1948 3 Jan.1, 1948 - Dec. 31, 1959 4 Jan. 1, 1960 - Dec. 31, 1969 5 Jan. 1, 1970 - Dec. 31, 1978 6 Jan. 1, 1979 - Dec. 31, 1986 7 Jan. 1, 1987 - Dec. 31, 1992 8 Jan. 1, 1993 - Dec. 31, 1997 9 Jan. 1, 1998 - Dec. 2001 10 Dec. 2001 - Dec. 2004 11 Dec. 2004 -- present 29 Design applications (January 1993 on)
출처 : USPTO