티스토리 뷰


money gifts in korea - 100201

벙굴 2010. 2. 12. 09:34

congratulatory money

condolatory money

We put the money in a white envelope with our name(s) on it.
- I received a train ticket with my name on it.
- He gave me a book with his name on it.
- We normally give people money in envelopes with our name(s) on them.

This may coms across as a bit unsentimental to non-Koreans, but it is part of a longtime tradition.
- It came across as a bit unnatural to me. / 나에게는 약간 부자연스럽게 느껴졌다.
- This topic may come across as too serious for children. / 아이들에게는 이 주제가 너무 무겁게 느껴질 수도 있어.
- It may look a little awkward for non-Koreans.

If you can't make it to an event, you sometimes ask a person who's going to give the money gift instead and pay that person back later on.

We typically give the same amount back at a future event.
- Should I give her the same amount back?
- He paid me the same amount back.
- I gave the same amount back at her wedding. / 나는 그녀의 결혼식에서 같은 금액을 냈어.